Maurilio Lovatti Online Philosophy Papers
Pragmatism and the Definition of the
Idea of Disease (2002)
o General
Ideas and the Knowability of Essence: Interpretations of Locke's
Theory of Knowledge (abstract)
General Ideas and the
Knowability of Essence: Interpretations of Locke's Theory of
Knowledge (Oxford, 2004)
The Mental and the
Normative: a Non-psychological Account (2005)
Meta-Ethics and
Analysis of Language from Wittgenstein to Deontic Logic Systems
“History of science without philosophy of science is blind … philosophy of science without history of science is empty” Norwood Russell Hanson
last updating 22 . 12 . 2024
Maurilio Lovatti was born in Brescia
(Italy) on June, 2nd 1954. He graduated in Philosophy on February, 24th 1978, from
the State University of Milan, with a dissertation on David Hume’s
Philosophy of Religion (prof. Enrico Rambaldi, thesis teacher; prof. Mario
Dal Pra, “controrelatore”, adviser thesis teacher). Maurilio Lovatti Abstracts of the Papers e-mail: Maurilio Lovatti main list of online papers