Franco Manni

Curriculum Vitae



 Contact details

Personal email:; Phone: : 00399665240. Skype: cosimo-franco1. ORCID number:


Regular Faculty at the Department of History and Philosophy, Liceo Scientifico Leonardo. Via Balestrieri 6, 25124 Brescia, Italy.


On 9 October 2019 I was elected Associate of King's College after having attended a three-year optional course in Theology, Ethics and Philosophy, passed the respective exams and accomplished all the necessary requirements.
On 8 July 2019 at King’s College London I took the viva voce exam with Terry Eagleton and Karen Kilby as examiners. I passed without corrections and on 1st August I was awarded a doctorate in Philosophical Theology.
In 1986 I got the B.A. in Theology at the Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana in Rome, and the result was : “magna cum laude probatus”.
In 1983 I got the “Laurea in Filosofia” (B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy) at the Università degli Studi di Pisa and the final result was “110 e lode” (score 110 cum laude/110 cum laude).
In 1983 I got the “Licenza in Filosofia”, a kind of academic degree released for attending courses and taking exams inside a single College, at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (there are no scores here).
In 1977 I graduated at the Liceo-Ginnasio “Giacomo Leopardi” di Recanati (a 5-year Classical Grammar School) ; and the result was 60/60.

 Research and teaching interests

History of Philosophy Political Philosophy Thomistic Philosophy

Philosophical Theology Tolkien’s Fiction Virtue Ethics

2020 May : Herbert Mccabe. Recollecting a Fragmented Legacy in Wipf & Stocks Cascade series (Eugene, Oregon), with a Foreword by David Burrell CSC. So far, a few reviews of it have been published. See them on .
2013 A System of Ethics as a Letter to a Friend, Amazon DS Kindle Edition, 2013, pp. 529. This book is the English translation of Lettera ad un amico della terra di mezzo (with a short Introduction by Norberto Bobbio), Simonelli Editore, Milano, 2006, pp. 350.
1986 Laicità e religione in Piero Gobetti (with an Introduction by Norberto Bobbio), Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 164 [see online in Italian: ];

2023 “Il problema cristino nell’etica delle virtù: a partire da Aristotele e Tommaso d’Aquino”, L'Osservatore Romano , 21 September 2023, p. 5.
2023 "Educare i cittadini. La pedagogia familiare mazziniana e la lotta alla corruzione", Il Pensiero Mazziniano, vol. LVIII, issue 1, January-April 2023.
2023 'La Via non presa', on L'Osservatore Romano , 15 July 2023, p. 4.
2022 March, ‘Knowledge, Freedom and the Meaning of Life according to Herbert McCabe’, New Blackfriars, Volume103, issue1104, pages 309-316
2022 January “Norberto Bobbio and Benedetto Croce” , Journal of Italian Philosophy, volume 5, pp. 130-170.
2020 November, ‘Is there Pain in Hell?’, New Blackfriars, vol. 1901, issue 1096 Pages 669-680. In order to enhance the impact, from it I commissioned an animation to Sci Ani of Stonehouse : .
2020 September 'Knowing God's Essence: a Contemporary Thomistic Debate', Annales Theologici, vol. 34/1 (2020), pp. 157-165.
2020 January , ‘Atheistic Scientists and Christian Theologians as Travel Companions’, Theology and Science vol 18, issue 1, pp. 46-58.
2019 November ‘Herbert McCabe’s Philosophical Anthropology’, Politeia, vol. II, issue 4, 244-266.
2019 December “review of Terrell Carver, Marx”, Dialectical Antropology, volume 43, number 4, 437-440.
2019 November ‘A Suggested Reform in the Syllabuses of Philology and Philosophy’, Humanities Bulletin, Volume 2, Number 2, 276-284.
2019 October “Herbert McCabe Proving the Existence of God”, Lumen Veritatis, vol 11, issue 44-45, Oct-Dec 2018, pp. 405-422.
2019 July on ‘An Apophatic view of God and Creation’, Religious Inquiries, vol. VIII, issue 15, Winter/Spring 2019 pp. 82-105.
2019 June ‘The Difference between Liberalism and Democracy: a Forgotten Italian legacy”, Journal of Italian Philosophy, Volume 2 (28 June 2019), pp. 28-41.
2019 June ‘Herbert McCabe’s Christology’, Acta Theologica vol. 39, issue 1, 24 June 2019, pp. 181-199.
2019 ‘An Introduction to Herbert McCabe OP’, Angelicum, volume 95, 4/2018.
2018 review of Alasdair Davidson’s Antonio Gramsci, Towards an Intellectual Biography, on Marx and Philosophy Review of Books, 13 October.
2017 ‘God as a Creator according to McCabe’, Divus Thomas, vol. 120, Sept /Dec, pp. 72-95;
2010 ‘Norberto Bobbio e Benedetto Croce’[ Norberto Bobbio and Benedetto Croce, shorter version], Reset, issue 118, pp. 79-84
2009 ‘Real and Imaginary history in The Lord of the Rings’, Mallorn, issue 47, may, pp. 28-37.
2001 ‘Il filosofo e i comunisti. Intervista a Norberto Bobbio’ [my interview with Norberto Bobbio about theory and practice of communism] , Diario, May, issue 18, pp 24-27 (see online in Italian : );
2001 ‘Le mie idee per un Nuovo Comunismo’ [‘My Ideas about a New Communism’] with Norberto Bobbio's comments on them (see online in Italian:
1992 ‘Rassegna degli studi crociani negli Anni Ottanta con annesso saggio di bibliografia’ [Review of Benedetto Croce-related studies in the Eighties with an attached bibliographical essay’] , Studi Critici, issue 1-2, pp. 153-198 (see online:;
1990 ‘La critica di Benedetto Croce al sistema romantico’ [‘Benedetto Croce’s Critique of Romanticism’] , Humanitas issue 1, pp. 33-58 (see online:;
1990 ‘Il 1968 e i generi musicali in Italia’ [ ‘1968 Movement and Musical Genres in Italy’](co-authored with Monica Manni), Annali della Fondazione Micheletti, issue 4, pp. 31-47 ; [see ];
1989 ‘Georges Sorel e la teoria neoidealistica della storia’ [‘Georges Sorel and the Neo-idealistic theory of History’] , Studi bresciani, issue 5, pp. 97-110 [see online ];
1989 ‘La filosofia della storia e B. Croce’ [Benedetto Croce’s Theory of History’], Studium, issue 1, pp. 57-67 ; [see online in Italian ];
1989 ‘I presupposti filosofici dell’opera di Norberto Bobbio’ [‘The Philosophical Premises of Norberto Bobbio’s Works’], Studium, issue 3, pp. 315-339 ;[see online: ];
1987 ‘B. Croce discusso dai Neoscolastici’ [‘B. Croce Discussed by Neo-Thomists’], Studium , issue 3, pp. 397-409 (see online:;
1986 ‘Benedetto Croce e la controversia sullo psicologismo’ [ ‘Benedetto Croce and the Debate about a Philosophy Based on Psychology’], Pedagogia e vita , issue 1, pp. 55-72 (see online:;
1985 ‘Laico/Religioso nel pensiero politico del Novecento italiano’ [ ‘Secularity/Religiosity in the Political Thought of 20th Century Italy’] , Rassegna di teologia, [official journal of the Association of Italian Theologians], issue 5, pp. 440-450 [see online: ];
1985 ‘Il Disegno tra Caso e Necessita’ [‘Design in between Chance and Necessity’], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City), 8 September 1985 [see online:;
1985 ‘La presenza del sacro nell’arte contemporanea’ [The presence of the “Holy” in Contemporary Art’], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City), (see online:;
1984 ‘Ateismo e teologia politica’ [‘Atheism and Political Theology’], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City), 27 August 1984 (see online:;
1984 ‘Limiti e pregi dello stato del benessere’ [analysis of Political Theory in the Welfare State, a book of Niklas Luhmann], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City), 14 January 1984, (see online:;
1983 ‘La filosofia a rimorchio del Fascismo’,[report of a conference about the’ philosophies’ of Fascism’], Il Popolo, December the 10th 1983 [see online: ];
1983 ‘Illuminismo sociologico’ [analysis of Soziologische Aufklärung, a book of Niklas Luhman], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City), 31 July 1983 (see online:;
‘Emanuele Severino : medium e messaggio’ [‘Emanuele Severino: the Medium is the Message’], Quaderni Piacentini, issue 12, pp. 145-165 (see online:;
1983 ‘Pensare il Medioevo’ [my interview with Neo-Thomist philosopher Sofia Vanni Rovighi about the work of Etienne Gilson], Il Popolo, 14 January 1983 (see online:;
1983 ‘Una chiesa dal nuovo dinamismo’ [my interview with Severino Dianich, deputy president of the association of Italian Theologians about the legacy of Second Vatican Council], Il Popolo, 22 February 1983 (see online:;
1983 ‘Il nuovo codice di diritto canonico’ [‘The New Catholic Canon Law Codex’], Alfabeta issue 48 (see online:;
1983 ‘Comunione e liberazione, un’alternativa alla cultura del narcisismo?’ [‘Communion and Liberation: An Alternative to the Culture of Narcisism?’]’, Quaderni Piacentini, issue 10, pp. 101-123 (see online:;
1983 (‘Novita’ celesti e crisi del sapere’ [Report of the Interantional Conference about Galileo Galilei held in Pisa-Florence-Padua-Venice in March 1983], L’Osservatore Romano (the newspaper of Vatican City) 8 April 1983 (See online:;

Book Sections
2023 June my essay ‘Epistemological Similarities and Differences between Metaphysic and Sciences’ has’ been published on the Proceedings of the VIII World Conference on Metaphysics 2021, "METAPHYSICS, SCIENCES & HUMANITIES A NECESSARY DIALOGUE", Fundación Fernando Rielo 2023 ISBN: 978-84-18954-04-7 [], pp. 964-975.
2022 October ‘Multi-level Truths and Lies in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451’in Robert Evans (ed. ), Critical Insights:Truth and Lies, Ipswich-Massachusetts: Salem Press, pp. 237-252.
2022 August ‘Poe, Freud and “Romantic rationalism ‘, in Robert Evans (ed. ), Critical Insights: Edgar Allan Poe, Ipswich-Massachusetts: Salem Press, pp.146-158.
2022 June ‘The Unfulfilled Promises of the Italian 1968 protest movement’ , in Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone, Guillaume Collet and Iain McKenzie ( editors) Double Binds of Neoliberalism: Theory and Culture After 1968, Lanham-Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 89-101.
2022 March my essays ‘Youth, Irresponsibility, the Good Life and Other Philosophical Aspects of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road’, and ‘Jack Kerouac’s On the Road: Key Ideas in a Key Historical Moment’, are published in Robert Evans (editor), Critical Insights: On the Road, , Ipswich-Massachusetts: Salem Press, pp. 172-211.

2022 my essays ‘The Emotions of a Tolkien Reader’ and ‘Religion in Tolkien’s Works’ were published in Robert Evans (editor), Critical Insights: The Lord of the Rings, Ipswich-Massachusetts: Salem Press, pp. XIII-XX, 213-226.

2022 “Fighting Corruption in Africa – The Conditio Sine Qua Non for Responsible Management “ , in Kemi Ogunyemi (ed.), Responsible Management in Africa, Volume 2: Ethical Work and Sustainability, Emerald Publishing, Bingley (UK)

2021 July, my essay ‘Herbert McCabe on Existence and Essences’ has been published on David G. Murray (ed.), Metaphysics 2018. Proceedings of the Seventh World Conference, Idente Foundation for Study and Research, Editorial Fundación Fernando Rielo, Madrid, ISBN: 978-84-946646-9-4 [];
2016 ‘Tolkien versus the History of Philosophy’, in Lynn Forest-Hill (ed.), The Return of the Ring, Luna Press, Edinburgh, pp. 111-129.
2014 ‘Tolkien between Philosophy and Philology’ (Tom Shippey co-author), Tolkien and Philosophy, Walking Tree Editions, Bern-Zürich, pp. 21-71.
2012 ‘Eulogy of the Finitude’, in: R. Arduini & C. Testi eds., The Broken Scythe, Walking Tree Editions, Bern-Zürich, 2012) ); [see ], pp. 5-32.
2010 ‘Norberto Bobbio e Benedetto Croce’ in : Ivan Pozzoni (editor) , Benedetto Croce. Teoria e orizzonti, Limina Mentis Editore, Villasanta (MI), 2010, pp. 229-279, full version. [see]
2008 ‘ The Complexity of Tolkien's Attitude Towards the Second World War’ (Simone Bonechi co-author), in Sarah Wells (ed.) , The Ring Goes Ever On: Proceedings of the Tolkien 2005 Conference, vol. 1, Tolkien Society Publishers.
2006 ‘Introduction’ to the book by Norberto Bobbio, Liberalismo e Democrazia, Simonelli, Milano [see ], pp. 1-30.
2005 ‘I presupposti filosofici di Giovanni Preziosi’ [‘The Philosophical Premises of Giovanni Preziosi’a chapter of the book edited by Luigi Parente, Giovanni Preziosi e la cultura della razza , Rubbettino editore, Soveria Mannelli, pp. 215-245[see online: ]. Giovanni Preziosi was a prominent extremist figure in the Italian Culture for 25 years and advocated Nazis’ holocaust.
1999 ’Piero Gobetti e la filosofia’ , in Michel Cassac (ed.), Piero Gobetti et la culture des Années 20 , Éditions de l’Université de Nice 1999, pp. 187-196 [see online: ]
1988 ‘Antonio Gramsci e il Liberalismo’ [‘Antonio Gramsci and Liberalism’], in : Franco Sbarberi (ed.), Teoria politica e società industriale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, pp. 128-145 ; [see online: ]

2022 May I was appointed editor of a special issue of Divus Thomas (the oldest Thomistic journal in Italy, which started publishing before Leo XIII promulgated the Aeterni Patris) dedicated to celebrate the 20th anniversaty of the death of Herbert McCabe, possibly the most intelligent British philosopher since the death of Karl R. Popper. This issue has been published (volume 125°, issue 1/2022, 224 pages) and scholars such as Anthony Kenny, David Burrell, Terry Eagleton, and Fergus Kerr have contributed.
2006 2nd edition of Norberto Bobbio, Liberalismo e Democrazia, Simonelli, Milano. I conceived the idea of a new edition of this book, because the old one (Franco Angeli, Milan, 1986) had been sold out for many years. Then I contacted Bobbio’s heirs, wrote the Introduction, the editor’s footnotes added to the author’s footnotes and updated the Bobbio’s 1986 bibliography.
2005 Mitopoiesi. Fantasia e Storia in Tolkien, Grafo Editore, Brescia [see online:]
2003 Tolkien e la Terra di Mezzo, Grafo Editore, Brescia [see online:]
2002 Introduzione a Tolkien, Simonelli, Milano, 2002 [see online:]

 Awards and honors
In 2010 I took part in a national competition organised by the Italian Foreign Office meant to appoint teachers for two kinds of teaching posts: 1) Italian State Schools Abroad; 2) European Union Schools. In 2013 the examinations procedure finishes and the Ministry published the rankings. In my category (teacher of Philosophy and History for English speaking countries) my results were: 1) first place; 2) first place. In August 2017 I was offered to teach Philosophy and History in one of the European Union Schools. I refused because this appointment was not compatible with the full time doctorate I was attending in London.

In July 2015 I was granted a bursary of 120,000 euros (monthly instalments) by the Italian Ministry of Education for my 4-year PhD course at King's College London.

In 1986 from the Italian Ministry of Education I got the “Abilitazione all'Insegnamento” (licence for teaching) for: 1) Philosophy; 2) History; 3) Italian Language and Literature;

In 1985 from the Apostolic Vicariate of Rome I got the ‘Abilitazione all’insegnamento’’ (license for teaching) for Catholic Religion and Religious Studies

In 1979 I took part in a national competition organised by Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa (founded in 1810 as the Italian analogue of École Normale Supérieure in Paris) meant for enrolling undergraduate students for BA and MA degrees and providing them with a generous scholarship. In my category (Philosophy) I arrived first in the national ranking.

 Conferences, Lecturing

2024 June my paper ‘Bonaventure and Aquinas on the Relationships between Philosophy and Theology’ has been accepted for the “International Colloquium on Bonaventure and Aquinas” organised by the Society for the European History of Ideas, which is to be held in Lisbon on 11th October 2024.
2024 June my paper ‘Nature and History as Justifications of Universalism in Virtue Ethics’ has been accepted for the 2nd ECVA Annual Conference "Human Flourishing and Character Education. Theories, Languages, and Practices" organised by the European University of Rome (June 26-28)
2024 14 May At the12th International Conference of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion “The Problem of Evil in Modern and Islamic Thought” organised by the Iranian Association for the Philosophy of Religion at the Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran (Iran) I delivered my paper titled “Privatio Boni instead of Free Will Defense”.
2023 28 October at the seminar “The Visualisation of Tolkien’s Work” , organised by the Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft in Gottingen I released my paper “Visualising Celebrimbor: Till We Have Faces”.
2023 12-14 June my paper ‘The Logical Structure of the relationship Between Creatures and Creator’ has been accepted for the 10th Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies held at Saint Louis University.
2023 June at the conference ‘Beyond Dualism’ organised by the Ereignis Center for Philosophy and the Arts in Gdynia (Poland) I delivered my paper titled ‘Dualism in conceptions of what Philosophy is’.
2023 22 May at the conference “La Censura Oggi: come il movimento Woke sta distruggendo la Cultura”, organised by the Oratorio San Carlo in Brescia (Italy), I gave my lecture “Historical Materialism (Marxism), which in the name of the economic and material 'structure' ridiculed morality (superstructure , bourgeois residue) and which, now, exists only as Inflexible Moralism in its 1968sh and woke variant”.
2023 10 May at the 11th International Conference on Philosophy of Religion held by the Iranian Institute of Philosophy in Tehran I gave my presentation ‘God, His People and the Non-Aristotelian Virtues”.
2023 April - May: I held the course ‘The Believer's Navigation through the Natural and Human Sciences’ at the St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Spirituality Institute, an affiliated branch of the "B. Niccolò Stenone" Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Pisa.
2023 4 January at the conference ‘Language, Self, Culture and Society’ organised by the College Vidyasagar Mahavidyhalaya (Chandrakona, India) I presented my paper ‘Mind is not the Brain. A Bimillenial Tradition’.
2023 2 January at the conference ‘Morality, Spirituality, Culture and Society: East and West’ organised by the Adamas University (Kolkata, India) I presented my paper ‘Mazzini and Gandhi’
2022 29 December at the conference ‘Social Justice, Morality and Culture’ organised by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi, India) I presented my paper ‘The Confusion between Race and Racism and the Threat to Real Tolerance’.
2022 September at the conference “Naturalism and the Religious World View” organised at Arbanija (Croatia) by the Ian Ramsey centre for Science and Religion based in Oxford, I released my paper “The Critique to the Concept of Pure Nature”.
2022 22 August at the XV International Congress of Medieval Philosophy organised by the Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale at Campus Condorcet, in Paris I delivered my paper “Private and Public according to Thomas Aquinas”.
2022 17-19 August at the Annual Conference of the Society for European Philosophy, held at Newcastle University I gave my paper titled ‘Giuseppe Mazzini and the World Philosophy’.
2022 July at the conference ‘Medieval Mind’ organised by the Grossateste University in Lincoln-UK I delivered my presentation, “Private and Public According to Thomas Aquinas”.
2022 29 June at the Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference hosted by the University of Waikato in Hamilton (New Zealand) I delivered my talk on “Medieval Theory of Universals Improved by Pragmatism and Historicism”.
2022 15 June at the  ‘12th International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion’ held at Kharazmi University in Tehran, (Iran), I presented my paper “Theistic Scientists and Theologians as Travel Companions”.
2022 March at the Naturalism and Its Challenges Conference organised by the Iranian Institute of Philosophy I released my paper ‘The Critique of the Concept of “Pure Nature” .’
2022 February 26 at the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Chicago I released my paper ‘The Non-divine Noosphere’.
2021 11th December at the conference ‘Contemporary Challenges and Values’ organised by the
Institute of Philosophy Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (Poland) I gave my paper ‘Nature and History as Justifications of Normative Universality’.
2021 13th November at the conference exploring the Philosophy of Herbert McCabe OP, commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Fr Herbert’s death, organised by the Aquinas Institute in Oxford I released my paper ‘Knowledge, Freedom and the Meaning of Life according to Herbert McCabe’.
2021 29th October at the 8th Congrèso Mundial de Metafisica in Rome I delivered my paper ‘Similarities and Differences between Metaphysics and Sciences’.
2021 6th October at the conference "Contemporary Philosophy of Religion" organised by the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brazil) I gave the paper ‘Apophatic Theology and the Concept of God’.
2021 28 January within the seminar “The Risk” organised by the Italian Professional Union of Architects at Brescia, I gave my contribution “The Philosophical Concept of Risk”.
2021 22 January , within the seminar organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw and the Polish Society of Semiotics I gave my contribution titled “The Mind is not the Brain. The development of a Bimillennial Debate”;
2020 18 December I released my talk on “The Interpersonal Mind” at the webinar “Aquinas versus Averroes” organised by the Centre of European Studies of Kharazmi University (Tehran) in collaboration with the Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion.
5 August 2020, at the International Conference on Atheism organised by the Global Center for Religious Research (Denver, Colorado), I presented my paper titled “Atheistic Scientists and Christian Theologians as Travel Companions.
2020 February at the conference 'Religious Diversity' organised by the Iranian Association of Philosophy of Religion in Mashhad (Iran) I presented my paper titled 'Philosophical Theology and Heilsgeographie: the Legacy of David Burrell for Interfaith Dialogue'.
2019 December at the conference 'Gandhi after Gandhi' (celebrating the 150th anniversary of Gandhi's birth), organized by the Institute of Asian Studies of the University of Turin, I presented my paper “Mazzini’s Influence and Gandhi’s Legacy on Family Duties against Corruption” .
2019 18/20 July at the conference ‘Compassion and Theodicy’ organised by the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion (IRC) at the University of Oxford I presented my paper on “The Individual Soul and the People of God”.
2019 10-12 July at the conference ‘Decolonising disciplines and curricula’ organised by the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) I presented my paper “A Suggested Reform in the Humanities Curriculum”.
2019 3/5 July at the conference ‘The Art of Football’ organised by the Dublin School of Creative Arts at Technological University Dublin (Ireland), I presented my paper on “Herbert McCabe on Training Manuals and Rule Books”.
2019 17/20 June at the ‘Symposium for Medieval and Renaissance Studies’ organised by Saint Louis University in Saint Louis (Missouri) I presented my paper on “Is there Pain in Hell?”.
2019 13/14 June at the conference ‘Social Justice: A Mirage or Reality in Plural Societies’, organised by the central University of Kashmir in Srinagar (India), I presented my paper on “'Corruption as the main Challenge to Social Justice in the 21st Century”.
2019 15/17 May at the annual conference organised by ‘Philosophy, Politics, Anthropology & Allied Disciplines Association’ at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) I presented my paper on "A Noosphere without struggles for power".
2019 11 April at the conference ‘Embodiment and Race’ organised by the department of philosophy of Clemson University (South Carolina) I presented the paper “Cultural Traumas, Intellectual Fallacies and Moral Mistakes. The contemporary debate about races and racism”.
2019 29-30 January at the  ‘7th International Conference on Contemporary Philosophy of Religion’ held at Kharazmi University in Tehran, (Iran), I presented my paper “ An Apophatic View of God and Creation”.
2019 January 3-5 at the Oriel College Conference “Virtues: Local or Universal?’, organised by the Jubilee Centre for Character & Virtues in Oxford, I presented the paper titled “Nature and History as Justifications of Universalism in Virtue Ethics”
2018 October 25 at the 7th World Conference of Metaphysics organised by Fondazione Idente di Studi e Ricerca and held at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe on Essences and Existence’;
2018 September 29 at the conference ‘Double Binds of ‘68’ organised by the Centre for Critical Thought at the Keynes College at the University of Kent in Canterbury I presented the paper ‘ 1968: the Italian Paradox’;
2018 September 19 at the conference ‘Personification Across Disciplines’ organised by Hearing the Voice Group and held at the Calman Learning Centre at Durham University I presented the paper ‘Personification in Ethics: the Case of the Cardinal Virtues’;
2018 September 8 at the conference ‘Living and Dying’ organised by the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics at St John’s College of Durham University I presented the paper ‘The Christian Inconvenience of Christian Ethics’;
2018 at the London Conference of Critical Thought at Westminster University I presented the paper ‘1968: the Italian Paradox’;
2018 June 6 at the Continuing Learning Group Lunchtime Lectures Series at Fylde College of the University of Lancaster I lectured on ‘Two Paradoxical Ideas of Herbert McCabe’;
2018 May 2 at the Colin Gunton Lecture Day Conference (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe and the Concept of Hierarchy’;
2018 April 10 at the conference ‘Theology, Culture and Unbelief’, organised by the Society for Study of Theology and hosted by the University of Nottingham, I presented the paper ‘Atheists and Christian Theologians as Travel Companions’;
2018 April 26 at the Graduate Biblical Studies Research Seminar (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe’s Legacy in the 21st Century’ ;
2017 August 29 at the postgraduate conference ‘Faith in Academia’ organised by the Society for the Study of Theology hosted by KU Leuven (Belgium) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe and the Concept of Hierarchy ;
2017 May 16 at the Colin Gunton Lecture Day Conference (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe’s Critique of the “Argument from Design” ‘;
2017 February 6 at the Religion, Politics, and Society Research Group (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper 'An Outline of Herbert McCabe’s Anthropology;
2017 January 26 at the Graduate Biblical Studies Research Seminar (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper ‘Herbert McCabe’s Philosophy of the Human Being’;
2016 November 21 at the Religion, Politics, and Society Research Group (KCL, Theology Department) I presented the paper 'An Outline of Herbert McCabe's Philosophical Theology';
2014 June for the CLG lunchtime lectures series at Fylde College at Lancaster University I lectured on ‘England as Seen by an Italian Person’
2013 November for the CLG lunchtime lectures series at Fylde College at Lancaster University I lectured on ‘An Overview of Ethical-Political History of Italy’;
2012 August 16-20 at the Conference “The Return of the Ring” organised by the Tolkien Society at the University of Loughborough I presented the paper “Tolkien versus the History of Philosophy”;
2011 at the “Istituto di Studi Tomistici” of Modena I lectured on the structure of the Secunda Pars of Summa Theologiae;
2010 May 12 at the Conference “Tolkien and Philosophy” organised by Istituto Studi Tomistici in Modena (Italy), together with Tom Shippey I presented the paper “Tolkien in between Philology and Philosophy”.
2008 at the Conference “Walter Silvestri: un incontro che dura da 20 anni” organised by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brescia (Italy) I presented the paper “La nostra storia nella storia”; it was about how our personal memories of our lives interact with the collective memories of society and culture;
2006 at the Conference “Da Golgi 100 anni di Istochimica” organised by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brescia (Italy) I presented the paper “Le memorie storiche che restano” about the living legacy of Nobel prize Golgi in contemporary medical practices;
2005 at the conference “The Ring Goes Ever On” organised by the Tolkien Society at the Aston University in Birmingham I presented the co-authored paper “The Complexities of Tolkien’s Attitude towards WW2”;
1998 at the conference “Piero Gobetti et la couture des Années 20” organised by the Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France) I presented my paper on “Piero Gobetti e la Filosofia” (see on line : ;
1987 December 10-12 at the conference ‘Antonio Gramsci : un teorico della politica in un [paese industrial della periferia’ [‘Antonio Gramsci: a theorist of politics in an industrial country on the periphery’] organised by Istituto Gramsci del Piemonte in Turin (Italy), I presented the paper ‘Gramsci e il liberalismo’.

 Teaching experience

2018 I worked at KCL as Graduate Teaching Assistant for the philosophy module for undergraduate students ‘Thinking about Evil’; 2017 at KCL I co-marked the essays for the module ‘A Beautiful Mind’, from the inter-faculty scheme King’s Experience;
2013-14 Teacher Assistant at the Italian Group of Lancaster and Morecambe University of the Third Age;
1983-2013, 2014-2015 and 2019-2021 for the final years of the Italian Grammar schools (equivalent to British “A-Levels”, a “college” or “sixth-form” course ) I have taught full time one module of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, one of Modern Philosophy (from 15th century till Kant), and one of Contemporary Philosophy (from Hegel till today).
1999-2012 On behalf of the Town Council of Brescia (Italy) I have taught 20 Evening Classes for Adults (each one 20 hours long) on the classical philosophical disciplines, such as metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, politics, philosophy of history and philosophical systematics.


2013-14 Co-organiser of the activities at the Continuing Learning Group, which provides education for older adults at Lancaster University in Lancaster -UK (during my sabbatical year);
2004 thanks to the Town Council of Brescia I organised and chaired the Conference “Un'Italia che va?” about the history of ideas in Italy in the second half of XX century, with the following guests: Franco Sbarberi, David D. Roberts, Gianni Vattimo, Sebastiano Vassalli, p. Saverio Cannistrà o.c.d. (see on line :;
2001 thanks to the Town Council of Brescia I co-organised the Conference “Quali sono le prospettive per il comunismo nell’epoca della globalizzazione ?” about the Communist theory at the beginning of 21st century, with the following guests: Giorgio Cremaschi, Paolo Ferrero, Enrica Colotti Pischel, Francesco Saverio Festa, Livio Maitan, Salvatore d'Albergo, Antonio Moscato, Alberto Burgio, Nico Berti;
1996 thanks to the Town Council of Gardone V.T. I organised the Conference “Momenti della Filosofia del Medio Evo”, about the philosophy of late Middle Ages : Duns Scotus and Occam.

 Public Engagement
2024 18 May at the conference ‘Fratelli d'Italia, Fratelli d'Europa - The True Patriotism of Mazzini Against Sovereignism’ organised by the Associazione Mazziniana Italiana in Brescia, I presented my lecture on “School and Politics according to Mazzini versus the school reform made by the Meloni Government”.
2023 13 January at the conference ‘The Silent School - an analysis of the major and ignored structural problems of the Italian school' organised by the School Quality Committee and the Municipality of Brescia, I presented my lecture on “The haemorrhage of knowledge with the decrease of curricular hours”.
2017 April-November I volunteered at the London headquarters of the InterFaith Network, accomplishing clerical tasks;
2017 February-November I volunteered at the Modern Language Centre of KCL as a tutor of Italian language;
2013-2014 in my sabbatical I was a steering-group member of the Continuing Learning Group based on Lancaster University. In that year the main project we followed was “Memory in Later Life”, a project funded by the European Commission and directed by Keith Percy, discussing the reports from the international conferences abroad and organising the last international conference in Lancaster in June 2014. []
2011 thanks to the Town Council of Castegnato I lectured on “Traditions versus Traditionalism”;
2010 thanks to the Town Council of Castegnato I lectured on “The Philosophical Analysis of Virtues and Vices”;
2010 thanks to the Town Council of Brescia I lectured on “Reason and Feelings in Human Choices”;
2009 thanks to the Town Council of Rezzato I lectured on “What is Philosophical Ethics ?” ;
2009 thanks to the Public Library of Rezzato (BS) I lectured on “The Philosophy of Time”;
2004 thanks to the Town Council of Castegnato (BS) I lectured on “Political Liberalism versus Economic Liberalism”;
2003 at the Public Library of Castegnato (BS) I lectured on “Introduction to Philosophy of Religion”;
2003 at Istituto delle Suore Poverelle in Brescia I chaired the debate between former Clean-hands judge Antonio Di Pietro and journalist Marco Travaglio on “I percorsi della Giustizia” [the Routes of Justice].



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